Beef and beet burgers

Beef and beet burgers
Burgers don’t get much juicier than these…
Serves 6  / 
Prep 5 mins  / 
Cook 20 mins


1 tbsp Co-op olive oil 1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped Pinch chilli flakes 600g Co-op Irresistible lean beef mince 6 slices halloumi 6 Co-op sesame seed buns, sliced in half 6 tsp redcurrant jelly Handful rocket 3 cooked beetroots, thinly sliced;


Heat the oil in a pan and soften the onion for about five mins Add the garlic and chilli flakes and cook for a few more mins Set aside to cool for a few mins, then add the mince, mix together and shape into 6 burgers Heat your grill or barbecue and cook the burgers for 15 mins, turning halfway through. Cook the halloumi for 1 minute on each side To serve, toast the bun halves and top each of the bases with 1 tsp redcurrant jelly, a few rocket leaves, a burger, a slice of halloumi, a few slices of beetroot, a bit more rocket and a bun top